From Dan Larsen, one of the "2 Teachers" and along with former WVHS teacher Andrew Conneen, did the C-SPAN CRAM for the EXAM show on Saturday (
it is linked at the side of the Political Warrior blog, under CITIZENU):"We will also be running a real-time review
ONLINE @ Monday night May 9 from 6-11 PM EST. On the website search for the channel CITIZENU and/or the program name "Cram for the Exam 2011."
Both review sessions are guided by student-generated questions. Encourage your students to CRAM for the EXAM this weekend."
I will be here on-line tonight simulcasting the discussion. Hopefully I will not be talking to myself in the comment section.
Remember, US test is at 7:25 AM tomorrow (Rm 156 by the pool; 6:30 breakfast review in Rm 250).
-- 60 MC questions, 45 minutes
-- 4 Free Response Questions (more than enough time) 100 minutes
(About a 1/2 break for lunch)
Comparative test is at 11 AM
-- 55 MC questions, 45 minutes
-- 8 FRQs, 100 minutes