
From 9-11 pm the "Cram For the Exam" Review Show will be heard on 560 AM WIND. I'll be listening and simulcasting questions. Some other students are are already posting answers and questions that you can join at CBS 2 School, or follow along here with me in the comments section.
Listen to the live stream at http://560wind.townhall.com/ by clicking the "Listen Live" link. They can call 312-642-5600 with questions on the evening of May 3rd.
A difference between 527s and PACs:
527 groups sponsor non-partisan adds that portray candidates opposite of their views as bad and not vote-worthy.
PACs can donate to a campaign but due to the mccain-fiengold (Bi-Partisan Campaign Finance Reform Act) act they have limits that they can donate to a single person.
527s give unlimited money BUT NOT TO THE CAMPAIGNs. They must be INDEPENDENT of the campaigns. That is what makes 527s acceptable. Once the campaigns are involved in spending that money they violate McCain-Feingold.
The "Cram for the Exam" will be much better programming than the Guy Benson Show (Wolak from the SoapBox)
Basically 527's almost allow soft money?
"Handlers" refer to White House Staff -- guys like Karl Rove. Do not need Senate confirmation
Selective Incorporation -- Supreme Court 1925 Gitlow v. New York Equal Protection Clause key to expansion of the national government.
Obama filling David Souter's vacancy will continue to key incorporation cases in view.
527 money raised by an independent group for independent ads -- a major loophole in McCain-Feingold. Move-On. org ; Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
legislative veto old question.....presidential veto powerful formal power. 95% not over-ridden.
Line-item veto overturned by (gave president to much legislative power)
Yes 527s are today's "Mother's Soft, Sweet Milk"
Wolak, could you relate the concepts that they are talking about to some of the Comparative concepts, so both can be reviewed at the same time?
wolak it makes me uncomfortable when you say mothers milk. :)
and yes! please relate to comparative!
Post a comparative question here and I'll try to answer it. Check the linked Ken Wedding sample FRQs, on the previous post.
Ok, in China, most power is concentrated in Politburo, right?
You might see something about not executive cabinet departments, but independent agencies of the executive branch.
Independent agencies of the United States federal government are those agencies that exist outside of the federal executive departments.
Established through separate statutes passed by the Congress, each respective statutory grant of authority defines the goals the agency must work towards, as well as what substantive areas, if any, over which it may have the power of rulemaking. These agency rules (or regulations), while in force, have the power of federal law.
What religions go most often with what parties?
Big Tent -- political parties really do matter provided linkage to matter, but to be powerful they need to be Big Tent.
Never going to be able to get rid of factions (Federalist 10). So you need to get them into your tent if you are the party.
hey wolak i have a bunch of bagels from panera should i bring them tomorrow
Conservative Born-Agains -- GOP
Catholics -- historically Dem., but lately mixed.
Jews - Democratic
Does the President have to report to congress with the War Powers Act aswell?
War Powers Act-- Pres. has to report on military matters ever 60-90 days.
Budget Inpoundment Act -- Holds president accountable if Congress says we are going to spend, Pres has to spend.
presidential signing statements -- extra additions to laws signed that added more to the law (constitutionally questionable)
For more on Presidential Signing Statements type in the search of Political Warrior.
Might there be a media or transparency question on a FRQ. Three FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) First Amendment (Freedom of the Press) and Executive Privilage.
Jeff, sure bring bagels....I'll have muffins and donuts as well as juice and milk.
War Powers Act -- President or Sec. of Defense or Gen Patreus or some top official must go before Congress and report on the status of the military mission.
Ussually they ask (and get) further funding. But president can deploy troops, even without declaring war (an official power of Congress)
What are some examples of the illiberal democracies that we have studied, but more importantly what makes them illiberal?
A comparative question: How does Mexican federalism compare to other federalism
whats nigeria's biggest political problem currently?
Comparative Government Facebook page at:
What are some examples of legislation in G.B. that led to the creation of the welfare state?
For Russia, should we still consider President as Head of Government, seeing as Putin essentially still has control as PM?
After re-apportionment, gerrymandering happens by the state legislatures.
Census every 10 years determines the number of reps each state gets. The General Assembly gets the power of the pen to draw new lines if needed.
If a question comes up about the Prime Minister of Russia we might says that Russia, Iran almost has a dual head of government. Officially the President is the Head of Government. But as PM, Putin certainly has given more influence to the position in Russia today.
Franking privlage -- incumbent advantage 95 percent of House members get re-elected. Send out mailings for free. Not campaign literature, name recognition, and bringing pork barrel money to the home districts.
Predictions for FRQS
on the the branches -- especially Congress.
Campaigns and Elections (Dan) Frontloading primaries Iowa Caucus New hampshire primary. Iowa was more imporatnt than ever for Obama and raising money.
Campaign Financing (Me) PACS or 527s. FEC federal election Commission mathcing funds or opting out of the system (Obama)
Judicial Review -- set by Marbury v. Madison.
In Russia, voter turnout has declined with each successive presidential election.
a. What are two reasons for the decline in the percentage of citizens voting in the last two presidential elections? (2 points)
Not too sure about this one?
did the mccain-feingold campaign finance reform bill create 527s or were they always around?
Don't have to worry about the Wefare State Legislation Acts. But you do have to know the collective consensus set out by GB after World War II set up the National Health Care System.
It was reformed by the conservative PM-ships of Thatcher and Major in the 1980s, and Tony Blair brought in a "third way" of labour. to try to make the NHS more efficient.
Britain's Welfare State is struggling as aging population in an industrized democracy.
Budget stuff:
Power of Purse belongs to Congress.
President recomends the budget.
Congress Ways and Means -- tax laws must start here in the House.
Appropriations -- targets where the money is spent also called authorizations.
Fiscal policy -- The plan by the president or congress in the stimulus package
Monetary policy -- interest rates, the Fed putting money into circulation.
527 comes from a number in the tax law. They could have existed, I guess, but weren't used because "Soft Money" -- uliminated issue orientated money to promote issues were used -- also McCain Feingold made the candidate identify themselves by name.
Russia voter turnout lower that 68% in 2000.....Putin moved to disolve political parties....down to from over 500 to really only one viable.
constitution amendment in 1990 eliminated voting by proxy.....Chechnyans also not able to vote in Federal elections.
Question of competitive elections, although Putin's government worked hard to get a 68% turnout for the last election for Medevdev.
Talked about marble cake and layer cake federalism, and they mentioned NCLB. Much federal influence on local education, although only 8% of educational funding in Illinois comes from the FEd Govt.
Why is obscenity not protected under the first amendment? like what cases and such
^^ Miller v. California
Created Miller Rule, defines what's obscene and limits 1st amendment protection of obscene content
i know miller sets the limits, but was there a case before that or was it some judicial activism that took place
Interest groups -- K-Street in Washington....even though some laws have tried to limit their influence, really it is the way for us to petition our government and take part in a linkage institution -- hundreds of registered lobbyists in Washington.
Biggest increase (and largest #) of PACs represent business.
Some say they were so influential in our governmental process that small groups of interest groups helped draft the Stimulus Bill or TARP provisions. This would be ELITE THEORY of politics.
PLURALIST THEORY -- many interest groups invloved in the policy making process.
ohh idk...probably some activism
Exclusionary rule -- Mapp v. OHio incorporated to the states. State and local police cannot use illegally obtained evidence against a defendent.
Also for exclusionary rule; Weeks v. US established it first; Mapp v. Ohio incorporated it.
Conference Committees -- reconcile differences in legislation.
"Congress at Work is congress in Committee."
People have a negative view of Congress as an institution, but positive view of its member....maybe because of bringing pork home to the district, writing military appointments.
jeff, great example of the law being decided nationally first.....ie: Washington DC gun law this last summer, did not incorporate the 2nd amendment, yet.
But if Chicago's gun control legislation is judicially reviewed the 2nd amendment might finally be incorporated.
(From my soap box, I hope not)
what specifically is the brady bill, while we're on guns
Public Opinion on SC -- Brief of Amicus Curaie (Friend of the Court Document).
Also interest groups will lobby the president and senate on potential judicial candidates for the US Supreme court
Federal Government -- Sticks and Carrots
Sticks are the mandates -- what the states must do ( sometimes unfunded mandates)
Carrots -- grants (show me the money) Best for states are block grants, flexible for states to do what it needs to do for things like welfare.
Categorical grants -- have to be used more specifically for like food stamps
Miller v. CA set a three pronged test for obsenity. SC court.
The government can outlaw material based on the following standard: "whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious:
1. literary
2. artistic,
3. political, or scientific value."
If something is deemed obscene the government can ban it, but it is very difficult to do, as many dirt magazines add a bit of any of the three.
Brady Bill -- mandatory waiting time of 5 days before purchasing a hand gun. Named after Pres. Reagan's aide James Brady was shot in an assasination attempt.
Equal Protections Clause of the 14th Amendment dealing with:
Procedural Due Process -- Miranda Rights, Right to an Attorney, etc.
Substantive Due Process -- Is there a constitutional right for same sex marriage?
Top Cases to Know:
Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, Gibbons v. Ogden, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Plessy v. Ferguson, Korematsu v. United States, Brown v., Board of Education, Mapp v. Ohio, Gideon v. Wainwright, Miranda v. Arizona, Tinker v. Des Moines, Roe v. Wade, United States v. Nixon, Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, New Jersey v. T.L.O., Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, Texas v. Johnson, Bush v. Gore, Hamdi v. Rumsfeld. Grisswold v. Conn.
You don't have to know them all, but if you know most of them, you'll be set.
For a primary FRQ, know the difference between proportional primaries and winner-take-all primaries (the former is common for Democratic primaries, the latter for Republican). Know the difference between primaries and caucuses. Know how primaries translate to delegates and why they matter.
Also, open, closed (like Illinois) or blanket primaries.
Iowa and New Hampshire are the fron-loaded, first primaries/caucuses in the country and get a lot of media attention. The winner(s) of those two primaries are usually the front runners in the primary election season and typically end up winning...but not always.
Independent Regulatory agencies -- FCC Federal Communication Commission appointed by Pres. oversee broadcasts. Serve terms. there are many other independent regulatory agencies.
SC is not exactly final voice.
Can change the law in a different way. Also with power of purse, change the number of justices....or an amendment process.
Federalism -- initiated by congress -- 2/3 of each chambers proposed then ratified at the state level by 3/4 of States.
Founding fathers envisioned Congress as the most powerful, but now especially in times of War, the Executive Branch may be most powerful....Growth of the various branches think of ways.
Free Response 100 minutes long 2 examples, make 3 or 4.
Some predictions of FRQs:
Dan -- Primaries and Campaigns. Frontloading (Iowa, NH)
Campaign financing -- PACS growth of; 527s... $4 billion spent in 2004 then a recond spending in 2008.
Legislative process -- hurdles, Filibuster (now not even filibustered, just threatened...a great power play for the minority party). Linkage institutions, push for disuading legislation like immigration reform.
Andy -- Transparency in Govt. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), etc.
Poular Sovereignty v. Republic lawmaking -- Definition of Marrigage (by constitutional decisions vs. legislative action vs. state-wide referendu)
Wolak -- media as a fourth estate, or changing (maybe in the context of campigns, Youdia).
Iron Triangle
-Executive department, Congressional Committee, and Interest group
It is important because it allows bills to be passed that only benefits few.
Open primary: anyone may vote for a candidate from any party (but you still only get one vote per office).
Closed primary: you must be a registered member of the party in order to vote for that party's candidates (again, one vote per office)
Are any of you still here?
Independent Regulatory Agency: These organizations are formed by the legislature and have federally-mandated power to form and enforce their own regulations. Examples: FCC, FAA, FDA.
Iron triangles refer to the three groups that have traditionally controlled public policy.
- Bureaucracies: the nook or cranny of the executive branch that deals with the public policy category in question. They implement policy.
- Committees- The congressional committee that deals with the same public policy question. This is where the laws actually get written.
Interest Groups- These groups often hire lobbyists to effect desired changes in legislation, and they can provide expert information or campaign contributions to committees and bureaucracies in order to gain influence.
Mr. Wolak
You mentioned a possible FRQ on transparency in the government & lawmaking process.
How exactly is this achieved, beyond the example of the FOIA ?
Earlier Jeff was asking about the Welfare State in GB:
The Labour victory of 1945 was followed by a heavy legislative programme. There were bills concerning Coal Nationalisation, Industrial Injuries, National Insurance, New Towns, Housing, Trade Union Law, the National Health Service… Much of the social planning for this legislation had been carried out during the war. A common name for this battery of legislation concerning public health, social security, pensions and children’s allowances, better educational opportunities and even a greater role for the State in the economy of the country (through nationalisations) is the Welfare State. According to Marwick :
A ‘welfare state’ is one which accepts a responsibility to ensure the social well-being of all its citizen : the commanding heights, so to speak, of social well-being are income security (which ideally, as well as insurance or assistance to cover interruptions of earnings, includes an economic policy directed towards the maintenance of a high level of employment), health, housing and environment, and education. Beyond the commanding heights a sophisticated Welfare State may try to extend its domain to the romantic mist-capped peaks of culture, entertainment, morals and the manifold lesser problems of social relations and social welfare. The phrase was first coined to point a punning contrast to Germany’s ‘warfare state’.
Apart from the influence of Beveridge, which has already been pointed out, it is important to mention here that of John Maynard Keynes, who believed in an increased role for the State in managing the economy.
Further examples of Transparency in Government:
Open Meetings Laws or Sunshine Laws....Illinois Governor Pat Quinn called "Sunshine the best disinfectant."
Federal government is moving to making more and more of its policies transparent on websites and such, but a classic fight over transparancy come when Congress wants to subpenoa a member of the executive branch and the executive branch answers that it is protected under "executive privilage." The Freedom on Information Act was passed after Nixon and Watergate.
Full faith and credit -- Bbasically means that states have to accept the legal decisions of other states. This usually applies to drivers' licenses, marriage certificates, and the like. It's purpose is to prevent discrimination by states against the citizens of other states, but took a long while to be fully implemented.
It is a constitutional question as we have a federal protection of marriage law, but three states that have legalized same sex marriages.
I dont know if your still here, but if you could give an example of a personality cult in one of the countries we have studied that would be helpful
Make that currently four states:
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and Iowa allow gay marriage. California briefly allowed it last year, but a voter initiative in November repealed it.
In New Jersey, Gov. Jon Corzine has said he will sign a gay marriage bill if state lawmakers pass one that's been introduced. In New York, Gov. David Paterson is making another push to legalize gay marriage.
So this is a case where in practice the theory of full faith and credit may be put to the test.
However, the Federal Government could claim Article I, Clause III -- Regulating interstate commerce -- may give that an overruling right. This is how the Federal War on Drugs struck down (by SC decision) the CA law legalizing medicinal marijuana.
Think of Mao (China), Stalin or even a modern Putin -- remember the political cartoons -- (in Russia). Ayotolla Khoemeni (Iran)
A cult of personality or personality cult arises when a country's leader uses mass media to create a heroic public image through unquestioning flattery and praise. Cults of personality are often found in dictatorships.
Guys, I'm going to bed and you should, too. I'll have a power breakfast review in Room 302 at 6:15-6:30 am tomorrow.
Get some sleep, you'll be great!
Currently the Politburo Standing Committee acts as the de facto highest and most powerful decision-making body in China.
Its membership is closely followed by both the national media as well as political watchers abroad. Historically, the role of the PSC has varied and evolved. During the Cultural Revolution, for example, the PSC had little power. Mao under the Cult of Personality was in Command of the Command economy and society.
fiscal policy = government spending and collection of $ (like taxes...) to influence the economy.
monetary policy = controlling amount/availability of currency and interest rates to influence the growth and stability of the economy.
among other things, the Fed sets monetary policy. it also regulates banking institutions and protects consumer rights.
The Federal Reserve is the United States' pseudo-central bank. It is a semi-public, semi-private, independent actor that has control over monetary policy and a fair amount of the government's relationships with the banking system. The Federal Reserve (abbreviated as Fed) has incredibly broad powers, more than most independent agencies.
As for the budget, the executive brach usually "suggests" a budget out of the Office of Management and Budget. It then goes to Congress (House first, then Senate), where it is debated and altered in committee, then voted on by the full Congress. Congress is required by law to pass a budget, and normal Senate cloture rules do not apply. It is important to note that the President doesn't sign the budget as he would a regular bill, as it's technically a Concurrent Resolution, not law.
That's the quick and dirty on making a budget.
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