Country Blogs

Friday, June 14, 2013

Iranian Election Day Today: It won't be like 2009

CNN's Erin Burnett's Outfront last night did a great job of highlighting the keys for AP Comparative student citizens to understand heading into today's Iranian election, that will be less then democratic, with less protest and violence (for better of worse?).

Check out her blog here:

Outfront in Tehran

The Guardian did this essential guide with 12 key questions to the first election in the Islamic Republic of Iran since 2009.

2013 Iranian Election Guide

NPR reports that when the Iranians that go to the polls today (while reformist voices have been suppressed) the Clerics will have heavy influence, but not necessarily the same voice:

Iran's election might not really be about electing a president

From Ken Wedding's Teaching Comparative blog, a Washington Post report answers the question:

What is a Cleric?

al Jazzera has this great infographic page explaining Iranian politics (Check out the Candidates' campaign mottos!):