Country Blogs

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Oprah-Obama a Winning Ticket?

This is a big week for the Barack Obama campaign. Political Warriors at Waubonsie Valley are planning on starting a Students for Obama Club. And in Hollywood, Oprah will hold a fund-raising blowout for the Illinois senator.

Just Oprah, Obama and 1,500 of their closest friends (Will Smith, Jamie Foxx and Halle Berry) are on the guest list of the sold out event at $2300 a piece (the legal maximum amount for primary campaign giving).

The question is: Will it matter. Oprah has what they call social capital....can it translate into political capital? The Obama campaign is already giving Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton all she can handle in the fund-raising race. But Hillary holds her consistent comfortable lead in national polls. While Hillary will also have more Hollywood fund-raisers, too, to collect more campaign cash, do the everyday people care who celebrity's support? Does it turn them off? Or is Oprah different?

The linked Newsweek article leads with the line "Oprah Winfrey has said she's not interested in running for president -- but can she help elect one?"

Maybe. But is it more important how energized a WVHS Students for Obama Club gets?


  1. I think that Oprah's support for Obama will have an effect on the minds of the voters, especially those who think very highly of Oprah. Plus, Oprah will not only financially support Obama, but she will use her show as a way to raise support for Obama. She may not do her touting directly, but through her choice of guests and topics of discussion, her views will be heard. Obama definitely used a Hardball technique by "getting to know Oprah." He's going to get financial and political support from some of the most famous people in Hollywood! And whether everyone admits it or not, the average American is much more interested in celebrity culture than with some of the most pressing issues in society. Therefore, Oprah decision to support Obama may effect the outcome of this election.

    Also, I was just wondering why Oprah chose to support Obama over Hillary. After all, Oprah is all about "girl power." Is it Hillary or is it something more?

  2. Thank God for Oprah!!!

    I think that Oprah's support for Senator Obama can do nothing but help him. As a society addicted to celebrity gossip and culture, Oprah's popularity will help her gain the support of not only those who watch her show, but both the young and old that read her magazine.

    Not only is Senator Obama going to reap the financial awards of being supported by one of the most powerful woman in the world, but also is going to see the differnce in the polls.

    I agree with Kacy. Oprah's decision to support Obama may effect the outcome of the upcoming election.

  3. I don't think there are ANY doubts that Oprah's support of Obama will have an effect on the election. The key to Oprah is publicity and a connection a wide audience. No matter how many commercials Obama does he will never be able to pull himself away from that astute political connotation that is inherently associated with him as a presidential candidate. But Oprah will allow the more calm, informal side of Obama to come out as he will be joking and laughing with us Americans. This personal edge will hold tremendous strength in relating to voters and will push him in the lead over other boring old sorry excuses for candidtaes. Ha.
