Country Blogs

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Comic Relief for those with some Nigerian knowledge

On his blog, Ken Wedding found this clip from the Onion News Network. I'm posting it here for any of you who felt unsure about anything about Nigeria, know that you are not alone.
I hope you enjoy the humor, and understand that they are more knowledgeable than most Americans -- at least about one topic.

It's a satire of Sunday morning panel discussion shows where the panelists who have no idea what's going on in Nigeria, are expected to carry on a discussion anyway. One of the panelists quickly looks up Niger on his Blackberry and proceeds to describe Nigeria as a country whose economy is dependent on cattle exports. Later, panelists begin to argue about the merits of Nigerian leaders they've never heard of. (The moderator isn't always much more knowledgeable than the panelists.)


  1. ha ha ha! That's how I feel when I talk about Nigeria... My favorite part was when they had to differentiate between Niger and Nigeria, both spelled differently.

  2. Wow I think that sums up Nigeria in words...who cares. I mean honestly no one talks about Nigeria at all and most Americans probably dont know it exists. So that clip speaks truth. The only thing we know about Nigeria is what is on the CIA factbook.

  3. Exactly. In addition to the fact that Americans and pretty much everyone else know next to nothing about Nigeria, the situation is so complex that it's virtually impossible to make heads or tails of it even if you know something about Nigerian politics. Any newspaper that tries to explain the situation will need five pages!
