Country Blogs

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Moore: CEOs want socialism for themselves

This post is partly for my sociology class, which just finished watching "Roger & Me." Twenty years after taking General Motors greed to task in his debut documentary, filmaker Michael Moore spoke with anger on Larry King Live Wednesday -- saying the American Auto industry is same as it ever was. Maybe only now it is apparent that that is not good for the country, or the planet.

"They don't believe in free enterprise or free market. They want socialism for themselves. They want a handout and a net for themselves. To hell with everybody else, but give it to them. And I think, really, what we're seeing now — with them, with the banks — we're seeing the end of capitalism, the end of capitalism as we know it ..." – Michael Moore

The New Trough (VIDEO)
Harry Reid "can't get the votes to bail out the auto companies because that's going to help a lot of blue-collar people – people that don't have a voice, who don't have lobbyists fighting for them on Capitol Hill ..."

'What Roosevelt Did' (VIDEO)
"President-elect Obama has to say to them, 'yes, we're going to use this money to save these jobs but we're not going to build these gas-guzzling, unsafe vehicles any longer.' ... they are to build mass transit, they are to build hybrid cars ..."

'Fire the Management' (VIDEO)
"... they've not only hurt themselves, they've helped to provide some of the fodder for this economic collapse that we're facing ..."

1 comment:

  1. I know, "that's liberal." But Americans on all sides of the aisle have got to be frustrated with this car crisis. Thing is, Michael Moore saw it happening 20 years ago.
