Country Blogs

Monday, November 1, 2010

Midterm Projections

The October issue of PS Political Science & Politics included forecasts for the midterm election. The projections were used to create this graph. Blog your projections here before the polls close Tuesday at 7 pm. Maybe a prize for the closest pick to where the seats of power fall in the House and Senate. (Example: GOP +40 to gain control of House; Senate 51 D, 47 R, 2 I). Republicans need to gain 9 Senate seats to gain the majority.

Also, look at the bottom chart to follow the money of the record-setting mid-term campaign finance year here.


  1. The 60 seats the GOP gained last night was more than any of the political science professors projected. For the third election in a row, Americans kicked a political party out of power.

    While this is not complete divided government, it will certainly be trending that way.

    Know the advantages/disadvantages of divided government.
