Country Blogs

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Ugly Truth: An open and shut (not up) case

Leaders of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church today vowed to "quadruple" the number of protests at military funerals around the country following a Supreme Court ruling that the displays are protected under the First Amendment.

The 8-1 decision, written by chief Justice John Roberts with a lone dissent from Samuel Alito, is here:


Back in the 90s, We Were the First to Deal with the Reverend Fred Phelps:
U.S. Supreme Court correctly rules First Amendment gives crazy old Fred Phelps the right to picket military funerals... so now it's up to all of us to use our First Amendment rights to make fun of his vile protests.


  1. I'm actually very glad that the Supreme Court decided in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church. While their message is horrible and appalling and offensive to almost everyone, they do have the right to speak their mind and their right to say it is protected by the First Amendment.

  2. Like Moore said, now we get to protest Phelps' protests. If Phelps plans to Quadruple his picketings, then there should be four groups picketing him and every picketing.
