Country Blogs

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Federal Tax Payer Reciept

(From US Government Teachers Blog)

The White House just released this tool to see where the money you pay in taxes actually goes. You can put in your actual numbers or choose an income level.

President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid $453,770 in federal income taxes in 2010 on $1.7 million in income, according to tax returns the White House released on Monday to coincide with the national income-tax filing deadline.

Rachel Maddow did a long segment on her show last night about the waining influence of the Tea Party, the group that had previously drawn thousands to their tax day rallies, but could barely get hundreds to show up at most of them this year.

"I'm not saying that the Tea Party has never been strong, that is had always been a weak movement, that they never had any energetic political mojo, but judging by their public events, which is what we used to judge them by when we said they were strong, the Tea Party seems to have peaked. It seems to be over.

"Read more:

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