Country Blogs

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Breakdown of AP Scores Tweeted

AP Trevor (Trevor Packer) has been posting score breakdowns of the various Advanced Placement tests on his Twitter account. So here's how your scores will compare with the National Averages:

"AP US Gov&Pol (and AP Spanish Lit teachers)  have preserved scores very similar to last year, despite now serving approx. 20,000 more students.

AP US Government & Politics scores, 2011: 12.6% = 5; 14.0% = 4; 25.1% = 3; 24.3% = 2; 24.0% = 1."
"AP Comp Gov/Pol students struggled with basic, core concepts like UK judicial systems and Nigerian federalism in the free-response section.
AP Comparative Government & Politics scores, 2011: 17.3% = 5; 21.7% = 4; 20.3% = 3; 21.6% = 2; 19.1% = 1. (May shift slightly.)"
In case you were wondering....

Friday, June 10, 2011

Students ARE the Government in WA School District

Neat story about a group of students in Lake Stevens, WA who got the school board to approve AP Gov as a course that meets social studies requirements. (The article didn't say whether it was just U.S. or U.S. and Comparative.)

High School students step up to create curriculum change

"It was an unusual sight at the weekly Lake Stevens School Board meeting last month when over 20 Lake Stevens High School students walked in the door with the hope of addressing the school board on the subject of a curriculum change..."

BTW, as part of our first semester current events journals, you will cover two government meetings (like a school board meeting)....extra credit, maybe, if you take it to the next level and get on the agenda.