Country Blogs

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Breakdown of AP Scores Tweeted

AP Trevor (Trevor Packer) has been posting score breakdowns of the various Advanced Placement tests on his Twitter account. So here's how your scores will compare with the National Averages:

"AP US Gov&Pol (and AP Spanish Lit teachers)  have preserved scores very similar to last year, despite now serving approx. 20,000 more students.

AP US Government & Politics scores, 2011: 12.6% = 5; 14.0% = 4; 25.1% = 3; 24.3% = 2; 24.0% = 1."
"AP Comp Gov/Pol students struggled with basic, core concepts like UK judicial systems and Nigerian federalism in the free-response section.
AP Comparative Government & Politics scores, 2011: 17.3% = 5; 21.7% = 4; 20.3% = 3; 21.6% = 2; 19.1% = 1. (May shift slightly.)"
In case you were wondering....


  1. Overall, I just have to say that as a group you Political Warriors were among the tops in the nation (even those of you that scored 3s and your university only takes 4s or 5s). Here's how WV stacked up comparatively:

    35 kids took US: 5s -- 9; 4s -- 13; 3s -- 11; 2s -- 3 (32/35 P, 91.4%) (3.71 avg)

    27 took Comp: 5s -- 6; 4s -- 11; 3s -- 8; 2s -- 2 (25/27 P, 92.5 %) (3.77 avg)

    Special Congrats to the five High 10s:

    Laura B.
    Dan C.
    Scott K.
    Anagha S.
    Sheryl W.

    Enjoy the rest of your summer and keep visiting, I will start posting again soon!
