Country Blogs

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

From my Soap Box: Karl Rove, Really?!

I saw this ad and thought it was Pro-American......but I guess some political operatives don't see it that way. 


  1. First off, Newt is friends with Clint??? How did that happen??
    Anyway... This seems to be totally blown out of proportion. The car company was simply trying to advertise THEIR CARS. It was the Super Bowl! The best time of the year for people to advertise. These commercials have been running for a long time for other car companies, and yet this is the only one that brings up talk of supporting Obama.

    I know that we are bombarded with political ads right now, but we need to stop forcing political agendas on every ad.

  2. I don't personally see how this could have been an ad for Obama. In the ad, Chrysller never once said that they were indorsing President Obama. For christ sake. It's an ad. For cars.
