Country Blogs

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lessons in Citizenry and Government from a Family Man of the Century

Today, July 11, 2012, has been proclaimed, "Edward A. Wolak Day" in Naperville to honor the 100th birthday of my Great Uncle Ed. This past Saturday, Naperville's Mayor George Pradel made the proclamation in front of friends and family of my uncle, who is "Great" to me in more than relations.

The 40-year Naperville resident is a citizen that has served his community whenever called. He is a model of what the citizen's role should be. This from a Naperville SUN article in 2004:

"Politically active, Wolak was elected to two terms on the Cicero District 99 Board of Education. During his tenure from 1951 to '57, the board oversaw construction of three schools...His interest in politics continued when he moved to Naperville."

My uncle said in 2004, "I love to read about the candidates.I attend the council meetings often, and if I'm not there in person, I listen to them on TV. I think we've got a good council. Sometimes I feel sorry for them for the time they spend on it."

My uncle still lives in the same house he and his wife Jo (who passed away in 2007) moved into in 1972. On Saturday, not only proclaimations from Mayor Pradel, but also letters from Governor Pat Quinn, Senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk and even President Barack Obama were read honoring a great citizen, who even at 100 continues to do his civic duty.

In our family history book, Ed Wolak's time as board member for school board, Cicero Family Services, Morton Scholarship League, Columbus Council for Child Guidance, Little Friends and Fellowship Unlimited are all chornicled, though my great uncle says he never had a desire to be a leader. His wife volunteered them both for the various positions they held. A true example of political efficacy. Membership in voluntary organizations is a major determining factor in liberal democracies that value civil society.

"I went along and did what needed doing,'' he offered with a gentelmenly smile.

This Friday my Uncle Ed will be featured on Naperville Community Television News 17 at 6 pm. If you want to catch the thoughts of My Citizen of the Century, My Great Uncle Ed, follow the link:

Some final words to live by, especially in this presidential election year (my uncle has seen 24 of them):

"I would tell anyone to be honest in what you do, and do the right things. Treat all people with respect. Keep a positive attitude. Make a lot of friends and sit back and enjoy the ride.

"Oh yes, one more thing -- always be sure to exercise your right to VOTE!"

Happy Birthday, Uncle Ed!

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