Country Blogs

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jihad vs. McWorld

Benjamin Barber outlines threats to democracy in a globalized world in his classic, Jihad vs. McWorld. Read & take annotated notes on the article. Be ready to discuss and. You may also be quizzed on this reading. Also, think about the tone titles like, "Jihad vs. McWorld," or "Clash of Civiliations," set in the world today.
Speaking of McWorld....

Big Mac Index 2012

Below Barber on the Colbert Report in 2007.....

Colbert Report March, 2007

And at the University of California SD in 2002......

Jihad vs. McWorld Book Chat



    NPR story commenting on Friedman's book.

  2. Thanks, Emma for sending the link from NPR.

    Some highlight of the 13-day ago analysis:

    "The world was never quite as flat as advertised, and it's getting bumpier......if one looks at the European Union, one of the greatest triumphs of globalization is on the verge of breaking up."

    Due in part to political fragramentation in the US and Europe it was stated, the WTO (World Trade Organization) a rise in protectionism.

  3. Instead of annotating, I am posting three interesting/significant things I found in this article, and my soap-box opinions on them.

    1. I don't believe that Jihad and the McWorld can coexist much longer, and personally I don't think Jihad will win. While there are many people (particularly in destitute countries) who are desperate to form communities with others like themselves, I think that the world cannot ignore them for much longer, and that the McWorld will infiltrate those soon too, and that will offer them hope and a way out of needing to polarize society.

    2. I think democracy can be protected under the McWorld, unlike Barber. Because everyone collaborates, has an outlet for his or her opinion and ideas, and more than likely can find someone who agrees with them, the desire for polarization will decrease and the sense of interconnectedness and desire to express an opinion will be fostered.

    3. While I am saying all this, I accept that culture and religion are factors that cannot be ignored, as Barber claims. The nationalist pull outwards and the globalist pull inwards are both reckoning forces, and I ultimately think one of them will have to win at the expense of the other. Being an optimist, I can only say that I hope that tribalism and bloodshed does not win over economic cooperation and unity.


    Nazism at Arab "Palestinians"

    Nazism at Arab "Palestinians"

    Nazi Arabs, racism.
    Not just in the 1930's/40's but today.

    גזענות ערבית: נאציות אצל ערבים "פלסטינאים". לא רק בשנות ה30 וה40... אלא גם כיום.
    العنصرية العربية: النازية بين العرب "الفلسطينيون". ليس فقط في الثلاثينيات والأربعينيات ... ولكن أيضًا اليوم.

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