I do agree with the Clinton campaign that caucusing is not as hard as exercising. But more importantly, it is a great party builder, a grass roots organizing tool AND a way to meet your democratic neighbors! People meet "caucus" buddies, both Clinton and Obama supporters in 2008. In 2008, WV grad and former Youth & Government president Sarah Sampson was part of the ground game for the Obama campaign, offering baby sitting services for parents who went to caucus.
Exercising is hard.
Singing is hard.
Dancing is hard.
Caucusing is easy!
(Just a take-off of the 'Governing is HARD, Politics is EASY...Caucusing in retail politics and all politics is local pulled together in a festive atmosphere that can build campaigning momentum.)
Our Caucus is Tuesday:
For next Friday,
1) produce a slick-looking campaign book;
2) produce or download a television ad;
3) try to get our class to vote for your group as the best campaign staff after your 8-minute presentation
Book It (what needs to be in the book):
Slick-looking cover – Though if you pick Michelle Bachmann, be careful of a crazy-eyed Newsweek portrait. Cover should have at least one of the candidates’ mottos.
Platform/finance tracker – brief descriptions of main issues of the campaign and list tracking campaign donors. Who is enjoying the most “Mother’s Milk of Politics” can be found @ (http://www.opensecrets.org/pres12/summary.php)
Script of a campaign ad – either that you produce or that the candidate’s campaign produces. You need to bring the ad to show.
Position paper – 3-page policy piece highlighting your candidate’s “Reagan Rule of 4” – the four top positions you and your candidate.
Copy of a speech. A member of your staff will give the speech on caucus day.
Propaganda – not necessarily in the book, but brought into the caucus. Can be posters, buttons or food stuffs.
Caucusing is easy, but politics ain't beanbag.