Country Blogs

Sunday, October 28, 2012

R-Word: Really Reprehensible

Last week, presidential politcs and punditry may have hit a new low when conservative comentator Ann Coulter called (or tweeted) President Obama the R-Word. She later, on CNN said in trying to jusity her ignorant hateful speech as, "it's the same as saying loser."

Either she doesn't get it, or she does and doesn't care. Either way, she has millions of people that listen to her and she gets paid millions of dollars to say this crap. That costs our society greatly.

Now if she wants to criticize the President, as a pundit, that's her job. But when she uses a group of people to insult and sling mud, we have to get up on a collective soap boax and say stop.

As a 10-year Special Olympics Coach, I am confident that R-easonable people on both sides of the political spectrum can see this. But maybe they haven't heard, or read, the intelligent words that make what Ann Coulter said last week seem like a waste of a college education and publisher dollars.

Read here the open letter to Ann Coulter from John Stephens, Special Olympics Global Messager. And when you do, think about if you've ever used the R-word to describe something you don't like -- then stop. Hopefully, at least in using the R-Word, Stephens can silence the hate being spewed from the dislikes of Ann Coulter.

An Open Letter to Ann Coulter


  1. I was outrageously offended by this comment by Ann... however even more offensive are some of the comments on the open letter Johh wrote. It is honestly somewhat sickening that people find her act justifiable. I don't care how you feel about the president, you can't blatantly offend such a wonderful group of people and expect it to just wash away.

  2. I just read this (a little late, I know) but I felt like I had to comment on it. I, like Jordan, am absolutely astounded that someone in a professional position, especially one that places her in the eyes and ears of millions of Americans, could be so ignorant and thoughtless. Clearly her intention was not to degrade those with disabilities and I understand that, but in no way does that justify her actions and whether she meant to or not, she did so. Working with Special Olympics soccer opened my eyes to some of the most fascinating and inspirational people I've ever met, and if Ann intended to offend the president with her comment, like the open letter said, she succeeded in doing the exact opposite, by aligning him with such a powerful group of people.
