Country Blogs

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

GB's Supreme Court

Would have been nice to have this post before the test, wouldn't it? Oh, bother. "Well, it's better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick."

Thanks to my colleague Rebecca Small f(and US Government Teachers Blog) for this site on Great Britain's Supreme Court and for the video about the 2009 addition of it.

So for a regained point, blog here the correct answer to the question:

The creation of a new Supremem Court in the UK in 2009 replaces the previous judicial review of:

A) The House of Commons
B) Local, devolved constituency courts
C) The House of Lords' role as the highest appeal court in the UK
D) Inturpretation of common law and historic documents like the Magna Carta in reviewing British law
E) Having Lords sit in review of British law.


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