Monday, April 22, 2013

"As Nigeria goes, so goes sub-Saharan Africa"

If only it could become a hit.

Before Bono started the ONE campaign in the United States, the oranization formed was called DATA:

DD ebt
A ids/hiv
T rade
A id effectiveness, development assistance
In your group, you will take ONE of these issues a prepare a short presentation on why this is the number ONE issue facing Sub-Saharan Africa.

Crumbs From Your Table -- Poverty Assignment Video Poverty Message, One, at United Center 2005


Taylor H said...

Iran claims AIDS/HIV

Cameron V said...

Nigeria claims debt

Unknown said...


Aleks Z said...

Mexico claims Aid Effectiveness

Emma B. said...

Trade for china

Unknown said...

Rashi wants AIDS

Mr Wolak said...

So, what I have is:

D -- ebt -- Nigeria

A -- AIDS/HIV/Malaria, Clean Water -- Iran @ Russia...can we have one group forcus on HIV/AIDS and the other focus on Malaria and Clean water??

T -- Trade -- China

A -- Assistance, Development Assistance -- Mexico.

Friday is work day....presentations with poster due Monday.