Country Blogs

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Political Efficacy must trump Washington Politics and Special Interests

I usually try to avoid getting on my political Soap Box here. But it may be the only way to move this F-Word (filibuster) Senate to do something on common sense gun control. Critics of President Obama sometimes say he leads from behind. I might say he has the "bully pulpit" to help "We the 90% of American People," to force the Congress to pass a law that can help stop the madness. Would the Senate have voted for cloture (60 votes needed) to end the filibuster (minority side members block of debate or vote on a piece of legislation, if these citizens didn't come to Washington to personally read off 3300 names of people killed by gun violence since Sandy Hook?

There still has been no legislation passed by either the Senate or the House, but it is time for regular citizens to use political efficacy to make sure something gets done.


You can make your voice heard by joining the White House call for action on social media. Here's how it works:

  1. Sign on to share a tweet or Facebook message through our action page here:
  2. We'll gather as many voices as we can, then post all the messages and tweets simultaneously for maximum impact
  3. The more people who sign up, the louder our collective voice will be, so after you sign on, encourage your friends and family to participate.
Now's the Time

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