Country Blogs

Friday, December 27, 2013

Looking better after UPS delays?

On Dec. 1, Amazon launched (see how I did that) this video to show off a "30 minutes or less" delivery system they are working on in their next generation R&D lab. From their YouTube post, "Putting Prime Air into commercial use will take some number of years as we advance technology and wait for the necessary FAA rules and regulations."
An extra Popp Point available if you can name another bureaucratic agency might have a say in in Amazon's new idea and why. BTW, this was released Dec. 1 -- not April 1. No foolin.' And also, does this idea look better in light of the gifts that didn't get delivered in time for Christmas by UPS and FedEx?

1 comment:

  1. Once again, technology seems to be making human labor more and more obsolete. If you told somebody 15 years ago that every video rental store would be put out of business by new technology and machines that could do the job, they probably wouldn't have believed you. But now, Blockbuster and every other video store is gone, thanks to innovations like Netflix and Redbox. This new Amazon delivery service is different, however. With a postal service delivery, there is the security of a truck and a human in charge of it. With these new delivery drones, what's keeping anyone from shooting these things out of the sky and looting them? They just don't seem that secure to me, but I'm sure that they will continue developing them, as they have the potential to make Amazon a lot of money. As for an agency other than the FAA, I think that the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) would have a say here because it's their job to analyze decisions involving new technologies in the field of transportation.
