Country Blogs

Monday, January 27, 2014

Snow/Cold Day: Time to "Slow Jam" Tuesday's State of the Union


Washington Post: A televised history of State of the Union

(Thanks, Ken Halla, US Government Teachers Blog)

Other than President Ford, everyone including W. Bush seemed to think the state of our union was good even as we entered two wars.  That and other similarities are very interesting and clearly ongoing if you watch the snippets from State of the Union speeches from Kennedy to the present.

Also, here is a short, but interesting read talking about how many people take part in writing the State of the Union speech.  The video below short clip on the making of the 2012 speech.

Also, EC available for anyone that completes A State of the Union Bingo Card like this one:

Download the blank bingo card

Fill each square with what you think Obama will discuss during his speech. Here are a few ideas:
Executive Order
Minimum Wage
Across the Aisle
courage of our convictions
strength of our union
political spectrum
our union is strong
American jobs
clean energy
state of the art
shared hopes
who we really are
great challenges
the American dream
our children and our grandchildren

On Tuesday, you might want to go to the "enhanced" White House page where you can get lots of extra tidbits about the speech as it progresses.  This means you will be able to watch the speech and see graphics at the same time.


  1. Thanks for the link, Wolak. Didn't change my opinions on the State of the Union, however, my perspective was morphed, if that makes sense. Basically, I understand now that the speech isn't meant to mean much, but to be given as a "preview" if you will, of coming attractions to the zoo that is Washington. Or it's a publicity stunt. Whichever. It still sucks.

  2. Hey Wolak... Check this out
