Country Blogs

Monday, March 3, 2014

Russia, Ukraine and Crimea

(From US Government Teachers Blog)
 The New York Times' "Lede" is an amazing blog that has almost real time video and coverage coming from people on the scene. While not limited to this coverage, you can be sure it will have a lot of the Russian troop movement into Crimea in the upcoming weeks.

Hip Hughes, in his usual timely fashion, has a new flipped video on Russia and Crimea which he put up yesterday and you can see below.

In a related knowledge drop for Professor Dick Farkas of DePaul University at the 2014 DuPage Valley Social Studies Conference from his lecture: Big Countries/Small Countries -- Does Size Matter:

Proliferation of "States"
  • End of World War II; 47 sovereign states
  • Today, 207 sovereign states
  • Last 15 -- smaller than Chicago in economy and population
  • "Self-determination of peoples," -- Wilsonian thesis
  • But thinking Russia, Ukraine and Crimea, "Who Decides What/Who are the People?"
Your thoughts?