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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sociology Flipped Assignment: The Poor in America

For Sociology, by Monday, when we will also also test on Stratification read the linked article below:
And answer in the comment section:
3- Pick three direct quotes from the article and explain what they mean to you.
2- With direct support from the text, compare/contrast two people, places or policies mentioned in the article.
1- Summarize your one take-away from the article (what is the main idea, or significance?).
Study Guide for Monday's Test:
American Social Class System                                                
n  Blue Collar
n  White Collar
n  Bright Collar
n  New Collar
Pink Collar
(Characteristics of)
Social Mobility
Caste System v. Class System
Achieved Status
Ascribed Status
Karl Marx views
n  Bourgeoisie
n  Proletariat
n  Class Consciousness
Communitarian/Individualist Capitalism (where is there less Stratification)
Poverty Threshold
Cycle of Poverty
Homelessness (in Suburbs)
Roger & Me (reading on test)


  1. Caitlyn L.
    3-"some 15% of Americans live below the poverty line" this shows that there are a good amount of people who work hard yet are still below poverty line.
    "countries with poverty with 20% or higher are mostly in rural areas." This shows that a lot of the richer people live in the city where there are a lot of job opportunities.
    " Most poor children live in single-parent homes, and most families that are poor lack married parents" this shows that since there is not the support of both parents working together then there is not as much money.
    2-" Consider Ms Hamilton, whose husband is out of the picture. She has no family to fall back on. She has one sister living with multiple sclerosis and a bad heart in an apartment complex that does not allow overnight visitors. Her other sister, also in her 60s, has a husband who does not work and has had cancer for years; they just lost their house. Her son, fortunately, was past childhood when they fell into extreme poverty; had he been younger his future would have been bleaker." and then "Ms Dunham. Her situation is precarious, but without Mr Dunham at home to take care of the children it would be worse. She would have to spend more on child care. Her children would receive less supervision—Mr Dunham is fond of warning Ms Dunham’s 15-year-old son of the perils of “hardheadedness” and gang life, which he blames for his own failings. And though his work may be sporadic and informal, it can swell the family coffers." from these it shows that the family makes them stronger but the more family support the better future you have in life.
    1-The main idea of this article is to show that poverty is a good percent and they still work hard yet are just hoping to get by. Yet the poverty rate is growing and is a constant struggle.

  2. Deysi R.
    3) A.-"The child-poverty rate is higher, according to a UNICEF report, than that in Japan, Canada or any European country other than Romania, and it blights lives. A child from a family in America’s bottom quintile of earners is markedly less likely than a child born into the top quintile to be ready for school at five. He is less likely to graduate from high school with decent grades; he is more likely while still of school age to become a parent or be convicted of a crime. Degrees and high earnings are even less probable." This is showing that day to day kids strive to make a difference in their own lives, also adding to this when born into a bottom quintile they are already predicted their own future without the full hands on, and this also impacts us as teenagers, many of us take so many things for advantage that other kids in other places don't have.
    B.-"works at the Excelsior for 37.5 hours each week. At night she works behind the counter at a fast-food restaurant. The first job pays $12.50 an hour, the second $7.25, the federal minimum wage" This shows that even working two jobs and one of them almost reaching $13.00 isn't enough for her family, in reality this does happen more than expected.
    C.- "Mr Dunham is fond of warning Ms Dunham’s 15-year-old son of the perils of “hardheadedness” and gang life, which he blames for his own failings. And though his work may be sporadic and informal, it can swell the family coffers." In my perspective I can tell her son just wants to change everything help his mother out, and just do better for himself and for his family.
    2.)"Ms Hamilton worked as a loader at a factory in Sumter, a modest city of 40,000 in east-central South Carolina. In July 2008, however, after seven years on the factory floor, she mangled her hand between two heavy rollers. The accident was to leave her unable to work. She lost her house three years later, in April 2011. She, her 20-year-old son and her dog moved into her teal Chevy van, where they have been living ever since, collecting metal cans during the day and sleeping in a grocery-store car park at night" "Ms Dunham has three school-age children and a husband who is unable to work. Mr Dunham has a prison record, and since 2010 he has had periodic seizures that leave him bedridden for days afterwards. Ms Dunham has no health insurance at her jobs. She pays for her husband’s anti-seizure medicine and her seven-year-old’s attention-deficit medicine out of her own pocket.She and her husband are still paying off a $2,100 loan they had to take out in 2010 to bury Mr Dunham’s mother, but car payments are no longer a concern: Ms. Dunham fell behind, and shortly after your correspondent met her her car was repossessed. Her medical office is in walking distance of her home, but the fast-food restaurant is not. Her shift ends late and the streets are not the safest." While comparing them they have many similarities and differences,for starters they both are at a low income to support their family such as Ms.Dunham, other hand Ms Hamilton doesn't have that, she is living in her mini van while being in pain due to a accident at work. Next, while Ms Hamilton worked and worked, and in the end just lost everything and also her health at risk. Ms Dunham can still function and is healthy.
    1.) The main idea of this article is to show how poverty affects people and how the poverty rate grows at a rapid rate and how there are many people working on making a difference.

  3. 3)
    “Many more, like Ms Dunham, have incomes above the poverty line but nevertheless cannot meet their families’ basic monthly needs, and there are signs that their number is growing.”
    -Earlier in the paragraph it said 15% of people live under poverty line, but from this quotes it shows that there is still a large number about the line but they still don’t have money for their basic needs. It’s surprising that in such a developed country, we still have a huge poverty problem.

    “Once diligent high-school dropouts could get a job on a factory line and work their way into the middle class: no longer. The low-skill, high-wage jobs that many used to climb out of poverty in the 20th century are largely gone.”
    -Times have changed but the government still does not change. As fewer jobs appear, only the skilled, college grads will get them. What about the people who did not have a chance to attend college. We need to make a way to give them some chances.

    “A child from a family in America’s bottom quintile of earners is markedly less likely than a child born into the top quintile to be ready for school at five. He is less likely to graduate from high school with decent grades; he is more likely while still of school age to become a parent or be convicted of a crime.”
    -I think that the way to lower poverty rate is start with the young. You need to give children a chance for a strong future in order to have a fighting chance the job. You need to show them that there is hope.

    City vs Rural. “Most counties exhibiting persistent poverty—meaning counties with poverty rates of 20% or higher, consistently, from 1990 to 2010—are indeed in rural America (see map). And the overall rate of poverty is highest in large cities.” Both places are as different as one can get. One is a filled with people and building, and the other is filled with crops and a person here and there. Yet poverty is high in both places. It makes you wonder why. Is there a common factor in both that make poverty high?

    I always knew poverty is a problem, no matter where you go but, by reading this article I learned poverty an even bigger problem than I thought. In order to lower poverty rates we must get in the government, showing them that as times change, they need to change. We must make people care about others around them if we want change.

  4. 3-"Many more, like Ms Dunham, have incomes above the poverty line but nevertheless cannot meet their families’ basic monthly needs, and there are signs that their number is growing.” This proves that there are many families that didn't waste their money to buy drugs or alcohol. They got handed an unfortunate hand in the cards of life. While Ms Dunham makes an income above the poverty line she has to pay for a lot of medical expenses that are putting her under the poverty line. Its surprising that this many people are under the poverty line in a developed country like America.
    "countries with poverty with 20% or higher are mostly in rural areas." This shows that people living in rural areas are having a harder time to try and find jobs because they live so far out from the city. In the city there would be many more job oprotunieties for people to make an income about the poverty line.
    ""some 15% of Americans live below the poverty line" While this quote is so simple it shows how many people are living below the poverty line and im sure most of them didn't do anything to cause this, it was just dumb luck. Most of these people are probably hard workers with dumb luck.
    2-"Most poor children live in single-parent homes, and most families that are poor lack married parents. More than a third of families like Ms Hamilton’s—headed by a single mother, with no husband present—are poor, compared with fewer than one in fourteen families with married parents." These statistics show that a family being raised by a single parent is more likely to go below the poverty line than a family being raised by a married couple. This makes sense to me since if there is only one person able to bring in the income it would be a lot lower than if two people were bringing in the income.
    1- I always new that poverty was a problem but i never knew how big of a problem it was. After reading this article i learned that a lot of america is under the poverty line and we need to do something to help. Most of these people are hard workers just trying to put food on the table for their family. While there are welfare programs to help the poverty rate is still growing.

  5. “A common lament is that, 40 or 50 years ago, motivated workers with little formal education, like Ms. Dunham, would have been able to find factory jobs that paid a decent wage with benefits. But low-skilled and humdrum jobs, particularly in manufacturing, have gone overseas, or fallen victim to automation.” To me this quote means that economically as a country we are ever changing. Like they say 40 or 50 years ago you could start at the bottom and eventually work your way up to middle class or even the top but that just doesn’t happen anymore in our country. Things are not the way they used to be and its hurting people who think it can still happen or those who are unable to perform such as Mr. Dunham.

    “America is not blind nor indifferent to the problems of poverty, even if its rich and poor increasingly live separate lives in separate neighborhoods, and with different social mores. The poor are helped by a number of programs, some of them now creaking under the strain.” This quote to me means that we are aware of the poverty in the country we really are but the stratification is so large that sometimes we are too lazy to help. Also that organizations often are taken away from either lack of support or the government can’t afford it anymore and ends up diminishing the opportunity to help families and children in need.

    “The assistant who checked her in was named Patricia Dunham. Ms. Dunham has cinnamon-colored skin, arresting blue eyes and an easy, infectious laugh. She works at the Excelsior for 37.5 hours each week. At night she works behind the counter at a fast-food restaurant. The first job pays $12.50 an hour, the second $7.25, the federal minimum wage. If she could rely on 24 hours a week at the restaurant—which is what she would like—she would earn $32,137.50 for working 61.5 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, before tax withholdings.
    Ms. Dunham has three school-age children and a husband who is unable to work. Mr. Dunham has a prison record, and since 2010 he has had periodic seizures that leave him bedridden for days afterwards. Ms. Dunham has no health insurance at her jobs. She pays for her husband’s anti-seizure medicine and her seven-year-olds attention-deficit medicine out of her own pocket.” This quote shows that you never know who could be struggling to provide for their families and even themselves. People are often able to hide through attitude and would leave people in suspense if they ever found out their financial situation. Even when I began to read this quote I never suspected to read what I did, I guess the quote shows me that you never know who could be struggling out there.
    The article really puts in perspective as to how much our country is in poverty, and how much the country has changed economically. It also shows that you never know who could be struggling and who isn’t struggling it’s a mystery and you may never know.

  6. 3) "Some 15% of Americans (around 46.2 million people) live below the poverty line" This shows a lot of americans are in poverty and nothing is really being done to change this. Even if they are working, they still are not getting enough money to support themselves or their families.
    "He is less likely to graduate from high school with decent grades; he is more likely while still of school age to become a parent or be convicted of a crime. Degrees and high earnings are even less probable" People cannot get out of their poverty. Even a child who is born into poverty really has little to no chance of trying to change that or even try to better himself for the future.
    "America is not blind nor indifferent to the problems of poverty, even if its rich and poor increasingly live separate lives in separate neighborhoods, and with different social mores" This shows how people know that this problem is going on but nothing is being done to fix it. There is no help for the poor and the rich want to stay out of it because it is not their problem.
    2- Ms Hamilton got into a work accident which made her unable to work. She has no family to fall back on and she and her son with their dog have to sleep in the car because they have no where to go. She cannot go to any of her sister because they are either poor or have an illness. She said that her son was lucky "was past childhood when they fell into extreme poverty; had he been younger his future would have been bleaker" Ms Dunham on the other hand is working two jobs. She has a husband and three children. Her husband is unable to work because of prison records. "Her situation is precarious, but without Mr Dunham at home to take care of the children it would be worst. She would have to spend more on child care" Both families are in poverty but they both avoided some of the worst outcomes that they could of had.
    1-The main ideas of this article is to show how much poverty really affects America and how it affects more people than we think. No matter how much they work, they may never be able to leave their poverty lives. It also showed how the rich and the government really don't want any part of trying to help the poor or change how they get better.

  7. 3- "some 15% of Americans live below the poverty line". to me this seams crazy because America is known to be one of the most advanced countries in the world, but there are still people who are living under the poverty line.
    -"works at the Excelsior for 37.5 hours each week. At night she works behind the counter at a fast-food restaurant. The first job pays $12.50 an hour, the second $7.25, the federal minimum wage". This statement in it self shows that even with two jobs, a person can not live a normal life.
    “Once diligent high-school dropouts could get a job on a factory line and work their way into the middle class: no longer. The low-skill, high-wage jobs that many used to climb out of poverty in the 20th century are largely gone. It has now become apparent that a person has to get a good education in order for them to be successful in life.

    2- Ms Dunham works two jobs that do not pay enough for her to have a good living condition. She also has a husband that does not have a job, and three children she needs to support. Now lets look at Ms Hamilton. She was a factory worker who got injured, and eventually, lost her job. She then had to work late night jobs to pass by. And even with that, her husband was not doing anything to get money for the family.

    1- The main thing i learned from this article was that 1, no matter how perfect a place is, there are always things that are not perfect, and 2; if a person wants to live a happy life, they need to get a good education, and not rely on luck to help them push by in life.

  8. 3- "she mangled her hand between two heavy rollers. The accident was to leave her unable to work.

    She lost her house three years later"
    This quote was interesting to me because it was an explanation as to how an individual came into poverty, and often well off suburban people view people in poverty as those who have mismanaged their life and deserve what they have, but this case is very different.

    " As of 2008 more than a third of America’s poor live in suburbs."
    This was also another quote that opposed my preconceptions. When I think of poor people i think mostly of rural and urban settings, but with one third of the growing population of poor people living in suburbs that adds up to a large number of our neighbors and friends.
    "That said, America is unusually reluctant, compared with other rich countries, about giving cash transfers to the poor."
    I actually already knew about this, because i have had conversations about how other countries handle poverty in my business classes. With America making claims that they are a global leader and power they should at least take care of their own citizens...right?
    2- "America’s phenomenally high incarceration rate also plays a part. Mr Dunham’s prison record is not unusual; 37% of young black high-school dropouts have one. Time in prison makes a person more likely to earn less, more likely to have trouble holding on to a job and less likely to be married. Roughly three-quarters of high-school dropouts with prison records never make it above the bottom income quintile. The eightfold growth in the prison population from 1970 to 2010 has turned ever more poor decisions into poor lives." " The first job pays $12.50 an hour, the second $7.25, the federal minimum wage. If she could rely on 24 hours a week at the restaurant—which is what she would like—she would earn $32,137.50 for working 61.5 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, before tax witholdings."
    These two quotes contrast two people who are both in similar situations, poverty. The first made poor decisions and because of this they are more likely to live a life in poverty. The second is an honest hardworker that will still most likely remain within poverty. Poverty is too hard to escape in America, regardless of how one finds themself in poverty, they should be able to dig their way out.
    1- The major take away from this article that I got was that poverty in America is a growing epidemic and all sorts of people are falling into poverty. Poverty is not limited to those who spend time in jail or those who are too lazy to work. Poverty can overcome people who try their hardest to do everything right.

  9. 3- "she mangled her hand between two heavy rollers. The accident was to leave her unable to work.

    She lost her house three years later"
    This quote was interesting to me because it was an explanation as to how an individual came into poverty, and often well off suburban people view people in poverty as those who have mismanaged their life and deserve what they have, but this case is very different.

    " As of 2008 more than a third of America’s poor live in suburbs."
    This was also another quote that opposed my preconceptions. When I think of poor people i think mostly of rural and urban settings, but with one third of the growing population of poor people living in suburbs that adds up to a large number of our neighbors and friends.
    "That said, America is unusually reluctant, compared with other rich countries, about giving cash transfers to the poor."
    I actually already knew about this, because i have had conversations about how other countries handle poverty in my business classes. With America making claims that they are a global leader and power they should at least take care of their own citizens...right?
    2- "America’s phenomenally high incarceration rate also plays a part. Mr Dunham’s prison record is not unusual; 37% of young black high-school dropouts have one. Time in prison makes a person more likely to earn less, more likely to have trouble holding on to a job and less likely to be married. Roughly three-quarters of high-school dropouts with prison records never make it above the bottom income quintile. The eightfold growth in the prison population from 1970 to 2010 has turned ever more poor decisions into poor lives." " The first job pays $12.50 an hour, the second $7.25, the federal minimum wage. If she could rely on 24 hours a week at the restaurant—which is what she would like—she would earn $32,137.50 for working 61.5 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, before tax witholdings."
    These two quotes contrast two people who are both in similar situations, poverty. The first made poor decisions and because of this they are more likely to live a life in poverty. The second is an honest hardworker that will still most likely remain within poverty. Poverty is too hard to escape in America, regardless of how one finds themself in poverty, they should be able to dig their way out.
    1- The major take away from this article that I got was that poverty in America is a growing epidemic and all sorts of people are falling into poverty. Poverty is not limited to those who spend time in jail or those who are too lazy to work. Poverty can overcome people who try their hardest to do everything right.

    Pranav B.

  10. 3. "In July 2008, however, after seven years on the factory floor, she mangled her hand between two heavy rollers. The accident was to leave her unable to work.

    She lost her house three years later, in April 2011."
    -This quote was interesting to me because even though Emma worked in the factory for seven years, she still lost her house and was not helped from her employer.

    "If she could rely on 24 hours a week at the restaurant—which is what she would like—she would earn $32,137.50 for working 61.5 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, before tax witholdings."
    - I found this quote interesting because even though Patricia worked so much, she made so little compared to some people who work much less, and make so much more.

    "Some 15% of Americans (around 46.2m people) live below the poverty line, as Ms Hamilton does (see chart 1)."

    - I found this quote interesting because it amazes me how a country like the United States that is so wealthy, has so many people living below the poverty line.

    2. "Emma Hamilton was part of that politically crucial cohort, the white working class. A tall woman with tawny hair, broad shoulders, a firm handshake and a forthright, direct manner, Ms Hamilton worked as a loader at a factory in Sumter, a modest city of 40,000 in east-central South Carolina. In July 2008, however, after seven years on the factory floor, she mangled her hand between two heavy rollers. The accident was to leave her unable to work.

    She lost her house three years later, in April 2011. She, her 20-year-old son and her dog moved into her teal Chevy van, where they have been living ever since, collecting metal cans during the day and sleeping in a grocery-store car park at night." Emma is in a similar situation as Patricia, because they are both living in poverty but their situations are a little different. Emma is living in poverty because of a work related incident, while part of why Patricia is living under the poverty line is because of the medication bills she has to pay for her son and husband, along with the type of jobs she has to work. "Ms Dunham has cinnamon-coloured skin, arresting blue eyes and an easy, infectious laugh. She works at the Excelsior for 37.5 hours each week. At night she works behind the counter at a fast-food restaurant. The first job pays $12.50 an hour, the second $7.25, the federal minimum wage. If she could rely on 24 hours a week at the restaurant—which is what she would like—she would earn $32,137.50 for working 61.5 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, before tax witholdings.

    Ms Dunham has three school-age children and a husband who is unable to work. Mr Dunham has a prison record, and since 2010 he has had periodic seizures that leave him bedridden for days afterwards. Ms Dunham has no health insurance at her jobs. She pays for her husband’s anti-seizure medicine and her seven-year-old’s attention-deficit medicine out of her own pocket"

    1. The main idea of this article is to bring attention to poverty in America. Some of the facts that were displayed like there are 10.5 million people in america who are considered "working poor" were startling to me, and did not realize how much of a problem poverty is in the U.S.

  11. 3. "Many more, like Ms Dunham, have incomes above the poverty line but nevertheless cannot meet their families’ basic monthly needs, and there are signs that their number is growing." I think its ridiculous that there are people working as hard as they can to support their family and still can't even provide their family with the bare minimum to survive.
    "The low-skill, high-wage jobs that many used to climb out of poverty in the 20th century are largely gone." Those jobs that used to provide families with food and money are now being taken by cheap labor or machines.
    "Deteriorating family structure among the poor threatens to trap poor children at the bottom of the income ladder for life." Whereas kids used to be able to work and switch social classes, its now getting harder because most have to drop out of school just to help their growing families survive.
    2. The article compares and contrasts Obama and Romney saying that "Mr Obama’s re-election and Democratic control of the Senate give federal anti-poverty programmes a level of security they would have lacked under a Romney administration." This shows that while people may think Obama wasn't the best choice as far as helping the poor, it was better than Romney because under Romney's administration there was no security in those types of programs.
    1. My main take away is that the government or people need to figure out a way to either change minimum wage or lower the price of living because there are people who work almost every week in the year and are struggling to support their families. They may not have the opportunities that other people have and it's going to affect their kids and their kids' kids.

  12. It is really sickening the way this author twists Romney's quote that he is not “concerned about the very poor” to mean something very far from its original intent.
    The author assumes many things about why children born into poverty are disadvantaged compared to other children. But what he ignores is the impact parents have on their children; to this the author and many progressivists would most likely respond by saying their parents are so disillusioned with society that they no longer believe they have any way out of poverty. However, there are numerous stories of immigrant families living in poverty whose children go on to earn college degrees and accomplish a great things. I hold that this is because these hard working immigrant parents, living in poverty, teach their children the values of hard wok which has gradually been lost among many american. Whereas many of the U.S born parents teach their children to blame the 1% for their problems, and that government entitlements is there only hope; rather than the benefits of hard work which many of the 1%ers have learned.

  13. 3-"Mr Dunham has a prison record, and since 2010 he has had periodic seizures that leave him bedridden for days afterwards. Ms Dunham has no health insurance at her jobs. She pays for her husband’s anti-seizure medicine and her seven-year-old’s attention-deficit medicine out of her own pocket." This quote shows how the littlest of things can effect a human being. Many people called unemployed workers lazy but most are hit with sickness or non ability to work because of their jail record.
    "Once diligent high-school dropouts could get a job on a factory line and work their way into the middle class: no longer. The low-skill, high-wage jobs that many used to climb out of poverty in the 20th century are largely gone." There is no more opportunities for high school dropouts or people in the lower class. Our government is becoming strict and carefree with this society.
    "In 2010 10.5m Americans counted as working poor, meaning they spent 27 weeks in the labour force but still lived below the poverty line." There's a low chance of getting out poverty because this society put on tight ropes.
    2-“Most counties exhibiting persistent poverty—meaning counties with poverty rates of 20% or higher, consistently, from 1990 to 2010—are indeed in rural America (see map). And the overall rate of poverty is highest in large cities.” Their is alot of differences between living in the city or rural, but both are effected by poverty.
    1-Poverty is increasing in any area and we need to do something about it. Someone could really be suffering right now that is in our circle of friends.

  14. 3)"Many more, like Ms. Dunham live below the poverty line and their number is growing"-This shows that in America, today, more and more people and inclined to stay below the poverty line level because they do not have adequate assistance from the government to go above the poverty level, more children are either being born into poor homes or single parents home (majority African Americans) which makes it of difficult to escape the poverty level and the minimum wage could take care of just little which leaves the child with no hope and may lead the child to turn to other self destructive methods like drugs whereas, dragging himself also into the poverty line. Since the economy took a turmoil, it has been hard to get a good paying job, the percentage of the upper-middle class has been declining so far, unskilled labor pays little wage that could barely feed a family of four, the tuition of colleges have been on the rise and its situations like this that drag people to the poverty line. Without a college degree it is hard to get a good pay job, but to go to college alone, an individuals family must also be substantial, which leaves us with the question "what about people who can't afford college? "meaning they also stay below the poverty line. Taxes are always on the rise but income/hourly wages aren't, Government are also trying to cut the amount of budget program spending for the "poor" which brings tougher times to them
    2)"Low skilled and humdrum jobs have gone overseas"-Technology has contributed tremendously to the taking of peoples job, like McDonalds are experimenting with, using a customer hotline from India to order here in America, this will only eliminate more jobs and even increase the rate of unemployment. More companies are trooping to other parts of the world to increase their popularity and arguably make more profits thus, unintentionally robbing the citizens of their country employment. Even in African countries(Nigeria as an example) corporations are moving to other parts of the continent due to economic plight and they would have to lay off workers then the poverty rate spreads structurally to other individuals. A majority in the continental shift are companies which do not pay so much wages
    1)The longer someone is out of work, the harder it I to get back in-Companies and corporations these days do not want to employ so much and are trying to lay off workers at any given opportunity so individuals have to be careful at their jobs so as not to be retrenched, and no other company is willing to hire someone who was sacked(that individual will be seen as not serious about the job) so you have no option that to be out of work, then it makes it really hard to get a job because finances start to trickle down, you become degraded without an option to a minimum wage. Then it becomes difficult to get a real job based on the circumstances of the loss of your previous job)
    The people in the article that could be compared/contrasted are Ms. Dunham and Mrs. Hamilton. both are struggling to make ends meet but Ms. Dunham has the upper hand because she still makes a little money but, what they have in common is that deformity has made it difficult for them to survive, this shows that there are no insurances that cover them while at work esp. for unskilled labor and when they can't work again, they are laid off without any benefits.
    two other people that could also be compared/contrast are Obama and Romney. in contrast, Obama made a bit of provision in his program for the poor("Obama care") but Romney had no intention of really helping the poor
    1)I think the main idea of the article is to alert the public about the growing percentage of poverty in America in relation to the economic situation of the country(and how the governments various programs laid to help also declining).The significance is, the economy and financial policies are affecting the rate of poverty rising to the middle class somewhat negatively.

  15. 3) 1 - "She lost her house three years later, in April 2011. She, her 20-year-old son and her dog moved into her teal Chevy van, where they have been living ever since, collecting metal cans during the day and sleeping in a grocery-store car park at night".
    It is wrong how she was not taken care of after being injured ON the job.
    2 - "If she could rely on 24 hours a week at the restaurant—which is what she would like—she would earn $32,137.50 for working 61.5 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, before tax witholdings". This shows that minimum wage workers are usually working the most out of everyone and still make the least amount of money, usually just enough to survive in today's economy
    3 - " Some 15% of Americans (around 46.2m people) live below the poverty line, as Ms Hamilton does (see chart 1)".
    This tell me that something is not working in the United States, whether it is government corruption or people not working hard enough.
    2)"Consider Ms Hamilton, whose husband is out of the picture. She has no family to fall back on" and "To see how marriage can help, consider Ms Dunham. Her situation is precarious, but without Mr Dunham at home to take care of the children it would be worse."
    This tells me that life is a lot less challenging with the help of other people, even if it is one extra person, a lot more can be accomplished.

    1) The main takeaway I learned from this article is that many more people than I was aware of are below the poverty line in the United States. This is very difficult for almost everyone in it and it is even more difficult to get out of. But, with the help of even one person, like a husband or wife, much greater things can be accomplished. Everybody needs someone to help them in life, no matter what time it would be.

  16. 3)"She, her 20-year-old son and her dog moved into her teal Chevy van, where they have been living ever since, collecting metal cans during the day and sleeping in a grocery-store car park at night." This is very powerful to me. This shows that people will do anything to try and get by. It really highlights what we take for granted as well; a warm home. We don't really think about the importance of "home" but if we were to go without it, your whole life would flip around. It is a lot more important than we give credit for.
    "Mitt Romney famously said he was not “concerned about the very poor” because they have a safety net to take care of them. Mr Obama’s second-term plan mentioned poverty once, and on the trail he spoke gingerly of “those aspiring to the middle class"" It is very interesting to me that those who do not want to invest in the poor are very rich. It does not affect them, so they don't bother to try and fix it.
    "House Republicans have sought cuts to food stamps, and overwhelmingly supported a budget proposed by Paul Ryan that would have left anti-poverty programmes to bear the brunt of deep cuts to federal spending."
    Why are they cutting things that help those in need? Before we improve things that don't need it, we need to attack the problems that affect people who don't have basic needs. We need to give them the basics, before we give ourselves things that we don't necessarily need.
    2)Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Dunham have a lot in common. They are not in the same situation, but they are both fighting the struggle of being poor. Ms. Hamilton got hurt on the job, and does not have a home besides her car. She is struggling to obtain basic needs. Mr. Dunham is having to work two jobs to simply bet by. Though they are fighting two different battles, they are both working towards the same thing; getting by.
    3) What I got out of this article was that we are not doing enough to help those in need. Sure, we can give them programs to get started, money, or jobs, but what we really need to do is be there for them in a humane way. Be kind. Treat those with less money like people because that's what they are, not a charity case. We need to give them motivation to have better lives.

  17. 3)"She, her 20-year-old son and her dog moved into her teal Chevy van, where they have been living ever since, collecting metal cans during the day and sleeping in a grocery-store car park at night." This is very powerful to me. This shows that people will do anything to try and get by. It really highlights what we take for granted as well; a warm home. We don't really think about the importance of "home" but if we were to go without it, your whole life would flip around. It is a lot more important than we give credit for.
    "Mitt Romney famously said he was not “concerned about the very poor” because they have a safety net to take care of them. Mr Obama’s second-term plan mentioned poverty once, and on the trail he spoke gingerly of “those aspiring to the middle class"" It is very interesting to me that those who do not want to invest in the poor are very rich. It does not affect them, so they don't bother to try and fix it.
    "House Republicans have sought cuts to food stamps, and overwhelmingly supported a budget proposed by Paul Ryan that would have left anti-poverty programmes to bear the brunt of deep cuts to federal spending."
    Why are they cutting things that help those in need? Before we improve things that don't need it, we need to attack the problems that affect people who don't have basic needs. We need to give them the basics, before we give ourselves things that we don't necessarily need.
    2)Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Dunham have a lot in common. They are not in the same situation, but they are both fighting the struggle of being poor. Ms. Hamilton got hurt on the job, and does not have a home besides her car. She is struggling to obtain basic needs. Mr. Dunham is having to work two jobs to simply bet by. Though they are fighting two different battles, they are both working towards the same thing; getting by.
    3) What I got out of this article was that we are not doing enough to help those in need. Sure, we can give them programs to get started, money, or jobs, but what we really need to do is be there for them in a humane way. Be kind. Treat those with less money like people because that's what they are, not a charity case. We need to give them motivation to have better lives.

  18. Priscilla I.

    3. "She pays for her husbands anti-seizure medication and her sons ADD medication out of her own pocket" - this shows how much money she has to make in order to stay alive and keep her family healthy. Seizure medication is very expensive.
    "Moved into her teal chevy van" shows what a lot of americans have had to do when they lose their homes.
    "Low skill high wage jobs that many used to climb out of poverty in the 20th century are largely gone." shows how difficult it is for high school dropouts to ever make it to middle class and how hard it is for anyone to find a job that is struggling financially.

    2. Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Dunham both originally had jobs. Ms Hamilton can't work now because she hurt herself severely doing her work. Ms. Dunham has to work double because her husband doesn't have a job and has seizures that leave him bedridden. Ms. Hamilton doesn't have anyone to fall back on now that she has lost her job. Both of these women have had hard lives and this shows that the more family support you have the better chance you have of getting back up once you fall.
    1. The main idea of the article is that a lot of people don't realize how bad poverty is here in America. It isn't just drug addicts that are suffering from poverty, it is hard working people that had unfortunate things happen to them. It is a constant struggle for these people and they need extra help.

    3. -"These are two snapshots of life on the American margins. Some 15% of Americans (around 46.2m people) live below the poverty line, as Ms Hamilton does (see chart 1)." This graph showed how more people than I would think are struggling in the U.S. It is very eye opening.
    - "The low-skill, high-wage jobs that many used to climb out of poverty in the 20th century are largely gone." This piece explains how people used to be able to get out of poverty with some decent jobs that did not require an education. Now, that is not the case and it shows that getting and education is now more valuable than ever.
    - "No longer. Budgets are tight and the safety net is expensive." The goverment used to be able to play a large role in helping the poor get back on their feet. Now, they don't help as much because we are in debt and money is needed elsewhere.
    2. The article talks a little bit about Romney and Obama. They quote Romney saying that he is not really worried about the very very poor because there are programs that help the very very poor. Him saying that seems a little harsh. The article also talks about how there are a couple of newly implemented programs to help the poor get by from Obama that would have not been there had Romney been in office. It seems like Obama was much more concerned about helping those less fortunate. Although, I believe Obama, Romney, and most other political figures could do a better job of addressing the issue directly. After class discussion and reading this article, it seems like politicians like to avoid the topic of 'poor in America'.
    1. The main focus of this article was to give a couple examples of families or people struggling to get by and how the government is or isn't involved. It also discusses particular trends that lead to poverty and various statistics on the poor. They wanted to show that poverty is a big issue in the U.S, and it is a lot larger than one might think.

  20. 3.) "She pays for her husband’s anti-seizure medicine and her seven-year-old’s attention-deficit medicine out of her own pocket." This is really interesting because she spends all the money she works on things for her family because she doesn't get any type of health insurance. If she had health insurance she could afford many other things.
    "Many more, like Ms Dunham, have incomes above the poverty line but nevertheless cannot meet their families’ basic monthly needs, and there are signs that their number is growing." This really surprises me because people are making the money to technically stay above the poverty line but it's still not enough to meet the family needs, so it shows how little they make
    "Some 15% of Americans (around 46.2m people) live below the poverty line". There are so many Americans living below the poverty line and not getting basic needs, I was very surprised at high the number was.
    "To see how marriage can help, consider Ms Dunham. Her situation is precarious, but without Mr Dunham at home to take care of the children it would be worse". Also there is, "Ms Hamilton, whose husband is out of the picture. She has no family to fall back on. She has one sister living with multiple sclerosis and a bad heart in an apartment complex that does not allow overnight visitors. Her other sister, also in her 60s, has a husband who does not work and has had cancer for years; they just lost their house. Her son, fortunately, was past childhood when they fell into extreme poverty; had he been younger his future would have been bleaker." These are both 2 women who have to take care of the household but they are both struggling to get by and pay for everything they need, however ms. Hamilton has no one to lean back on for support.
    3) I think this article is very eye opening because it shows you just how many American are struggling and it gives you personal examples from people's lives. I really did not know the numbers were that high up for people living below the poverty line. It really makes you think of how good you have it.

  21. 1)"In 2010 10.5m Americans counted as working poor, meaning they spent 27 weeks in the labour force but still lived below the poverty line" this shows that the poor people in america are the majority and need to be focused upon to help them out of poverty.
    "In 2011 states disbursed $113.3 billion in unemployment benefits to 9.9m recipients, as well as roughly $16.6 billion received in block grants as part of a federal programme called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families."this shows just giving them thing and expecting them to figure it out for themselves is not helping and we need to actually help them so they dont waste the things that the state gives them.
    "Today the unmarried birth rate for Americans averaged across all ethnicities is higher than that, at almost 41%. For white women who did not finish high school, that proportion rises to over 60%." this shows that maybe there shouldnt be a drop out option in highschool so that everyone gets a high school deploma and a education to better themselves and maybe lower the birthrate because they would be more educated
    2)"America’s phenomenally high incarceration rate also plays a part. Mr Dunham’s prison record is not unusual; 37% of young black high-school dropouts have one."showing that not having a good education or a good enviorment can affect peoples desitions to do good or bad things for themselves
    "Consider Ms Hamilton, whose husband is out of the picture. She has no family to fall back on. She has one sister living with multiple sclerosis and a bad heart in an apartment complex that does not allow overnight visitors. Her other sister, also in her 60s, has a husband who does not work and has had cancer for years; they just lost their house. Her son, fortunately, was past childhood when they fell into extreme poverty; had he been younger his future would have been bleaker"this shows she is one of the thousands of other people in the same boat with the same problem and needs to be helped
    3)a quick over view of this artical is that a great majority of americans live in poverty and need more assitants and guidence to help them out of the whole that poverty is.

  22. Taylor Tobiason
    1. The main concept of the article was to get personal and show you how many working families are struggling with poverty. It shows us every day struggles with poverty.
    2. Ms. Dunham "pays for her husbands anti-seizure medicine" and works at a medical center, while Ms Hamilton had a severe pain in her leg and had to visit that center. Ms.Dunham and Ms. hamilton both struggle with poverty yet ms. Dunham works two jobs and nothing is mentioned on the behalf of ms. Hamilton working.
    3."America is not blind nor indifferent to the problems of poverty" this shows me that we are aware yet makes me wonder why we arent doing more to solve these problems if everyone is so aware. "To see how marriage can help, consider Ms Dunham. Her situation is precarious, but without Mr Dunham at home to take care of the children it would be worse." i never thougth that having someone out of work at home would help things, this shows that anything and everything can help."House Republicans have sought cuts to food stamps" this is surprising seeming that the government is always looked up to and suspected to be helping to the best of their ability

  23. 3)
    “A common lament is that, 40 or 50 years ago, motivated workers with little formal education, like Ms. Dunham, would have been able to find factory jobs that paid a decent wage with benefits. But low-skilled and humdrum jobs, particularly in manufacturing, have gone overseas, or fallen victim to automation.”
    -This shows that now people with little formal education can’t find a job that has a decent wage. The situation is very different from before. Every business wants to make more profits; no one would like to pay more to their employees. This affects us, because the situation is still changing now. In the future, as the technology keep growing, it will be even harder to find jobs for people with low education than others with higher education.

    “As well as declines in wages, the crisis brought a sharp reduction in the proportion of the population of working age in the workforce. In the early 2000s the proportion was between 62% and 63%. By 2010 it was below 59%. The longer someone is out of work the harder it becomes to get back in, which could turn the temporary macroeconomic problem of high unemployment in the slump into a structural shift towards poverty.”
    -The reduction shows that less and less working-age people are employed, and the longer they stay out of work, the harder it is to get back in. This will affect us because when those working-age people have nothing to work on, they would probably commit a crimes. The reduction of employment for working-age people could also cause the social insecurity.

    “A child from a family in America’s bottom quintile of earners is markedly less likely than a child born into the top quintile to be ready for school at five. He is less likely to graduate from high school with decent grades; he is more likely while still of school age to become a parent or be convicted of a crime. Degrees and high earnings are even less probable.”
    - This shows that children that come from poor families are less likely to be prepared for school than children from the top quintile families. As a result, they are less likely to graduate from high school with academic success. If they are not well educated, they will be less likely to have a job with decent wage. So, their children will also be less likely to have academic success. Life just goes on, and it becomes a vicious circle. If we don’t take action to help stop it, is will eventually impacts everybody’s life.

    2) 40 Years Ago vs. Now
    -“A common lament is that, 40 or 50 years ago, motivated workers with little formal education, like Ms. Dunham, would have been able to find factory jobs that paid a decent wage with benefits.” Today, there are many people like Ms. Dunham who has two jobs but still doesn't have benefits. “Wages for low earners have been largely stagnant for the past 40 years.” 40 years ago, having a low education would not put you at the stage of poverty. But today, low education basically means works at McDonald’s.

    1) The main idea I learned from this article is the proportion of poor people is increasing in our population. The reason that some people are living in poverty is not lazy. Even though they work hard to earn what they want, it’s still hard to come out of the poverty trap. Also, the future isn't optimistic since the proportion of the poor is increasing.

  24. 3. "She, her 20-year-old son and her dog moved into her teal Chevy van, where they have been living ever since, collecting metal cans during the day and sleeping in a grocery-store car park at night."
    -This story is heartbreaking to hear that Americans have to live in their cars and collect cans in order to survive and buy common necessities. Poverty is a big deal in our country, and people that have a roof over their heads do not know how lucky they are with the things they have in their lives.
    "The number of poor people living in the suburbs grew 53% between 2000 and 2010."
    -Fifty three percent is considerably high for suburbs of major cities. Usually cities have the majority of poor people, but the suburbs are on the incline as well.
    "The child tax credit allows families with incomes below a certain level ($110,000 for married parents filing jointly, or $75,000 for single-parent families) to claim a $1,000 credit against their federal income taxes for every dependent child."
    -Families that are less fortunate have the opportunity to claim money for their children and escape some taxes because of their income. This is a good thing for poor people because they may not have enough money to support the needs of their children and pay taxes.
    2. Ms. Hamilton is a single mom raising a child without a father. She does not have anyone to fall back on or help her when she is in need. Most of her family is either sick or in poverty so it is hard for her to raise her son with limited money. On the other hand, Mrs. Dunham has a husband and they have a son. She does have someone to help her out and guide her son to make smart choices.
    3. Poverty is a major problem in the United States, and by reading this article i realized how bad it has become over the years. It is amazing to see what people have to do to survive (live in cars). There have been laws passed that lend money to people that are poor, but it only lasts for so long. It is disheartening to hear all of these stories about families not being able to support their children, but, in the end it is ultimately up to the family to try and make a change.

  25. 1)"Some 15% of Americans (around 46.2m people) live below the poverty line, as Ms Hamilton does (see chart 1). You have to go back to the early 1960s—before Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programmes—to find a significantly higher rate." The fact that this number has been the highest since 1960 is ridiculous. The amount of people in poverty is too high and we need to findicate something to bring it down.
    "Budgets are tight and the safety net is expensive. Mitt Romney famously said he was not “concerned about the very poor” because they have a safety net to take care of them. Mr Obama’s second-term plan mentioned poverty once, and on the trail he spoke gingerly of “those aspiring to the middle class”. “Poor” is a four-letter word." The past 2 presidentI also candidates did not seem to care about the poor. If they want to truly fix this economy then they have to acknowledge this problem.
    "Most poor children live in single-parent homes, and most families that are poor lack married parents. More than a third of families like Ms Hamilton’s—headed by a single mother, with no husband present—are poor, compared with fewer than one in fourteen families with married parents." Many kids don't get the same environment that we are accustomed too, so they turn to the hard life choices and can't get out

    2) two people that can be compared and contrasted are ms. Hamilton because she is a single mom with no help from a husband and she has her own children, And families always have someone getting sick, so without money can't pay for doctors. Mrs. Dunham has a family with kids, these two women are alike, but the Dunham family had better benefist than the Hamilton family.
    3) poverty in the u.s is a major problem and no one is doing a thing about it. This article made me think about how well we live in this community. We have everything we want age want more, b but some people just want to wake up the next day And get out of this suffering they are in.

  26. “Some 15% of Americans live below the poverty line” while extremely realistic, it is still scary to think that in our society where fast food and insane credit card use, there are people who can barely scrap up something together for dinner.

    "He is less likely to graduate from high school with decent grades; he is more likely while still of school age to become a parent or be convicted of a crime. Degrees and high earnings are even less probable" this affects me personally because my mother grew up in poverty, and was pregnant by the age of 17. However, she got out of the poverty cycle. We aren’t living large, however, we live very comfortably.

    “As of 2008 more than a third of America’s poor live in suburbs” is a very terrifying idea. Many people consider the suburbs to be middle class and the outskirts of big cities to be where the poverty cycles hit. However, there are many people who don’t have the opportunities as others and are unable to live as a stereotypical suburban family.

    Ms. Hamilton lives alone in poverty, with family that she cannot ask for help from do to them also struggling to get by. While she only has her and her older son, she also has less opportunities for income since she does not have a husband. However, Ms. Dunham, while not having a husband working, has a husband who takes care of the children which enables Ms. Dunham to put more money toward food and bills rather than childcare, which lately can be quite expensive.

    The biggest take I got from the article was that poverty hits everywhere. You may not notice it because the person recently hit poverty, or you may not notice it because Americans are in such a hustle, they don’t see their friend is actually struggling to put food on the table for their family. As a society we need to work harder to help people out, and we don’t have to look far for the needy.

  27. 3). "Some 15% of Americans (around 46.2 million people) live below the poverty line." - Although many Americans work hard and make the right choices in life, they still end up below the poverty line.
    "The low-skill, high-wage jobs that many used to climb out of poverty in the 20th century are largely gone." - This provides one explanation for why so many Americans are poor today.
    "Many more, like Ms Dunham, have incomes above the poverty line but nevertheless cannot meet their families’ basic monthly needs, and there are signs that their number is growing." - This is representative of the struggles many poor Americans face today.

    2). Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Dunham are both facing very similar struggles. While Ms. Hamilton was badly injured through her work, Ms. Dunham has a husband with a criminal record and medical problems: "Ms Dunham has three school-age children and a husband who is unable to work. Mr Dunham has a prison record, and since 2010 he has had periodic seizures that leave him bedridden for days afterwards. Ms Dunham has no health insurance at her jobs. She pays for her husband’s anti-seizure medicine and her seven-year-old’s attention-deficit medicine out of her own pocket."

    1). This article highlights the struggles that many poor Americans under the poverty line face today, and that these people deserve help to improve their situation.
