Country Blogs

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Posting of last week's assignment

Go to (Type in your zip code)

Who are they? What party? When were they elected?

What percentage did they win by in the last election?

What committees are they on?

Go their webpage: What legislation are they currently working on? (2 or 3 examples)

Redistricting Game

1st, Click on “play the game.”

Go to: Mission 4: The Voting Rights Act

Go to: Learn More

2nd, Read about the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Explain the purpose of the Voting Rights Act and how it relates to redistricting.

3rd, Have fun! See if you can “win” the game - redistrict the State of Hamilton.

Post your result in the comment section of the redistricting game post below


  1. 1. Dick Durbin is a democratic senator in his third term. He won by 68% in his last election. He serves on the following committees: appropriations, foreign relations, joint committee on the library, judiciary, and rules and admInistration. His current legislative focus includes college affordability and special education.

    2. Judy Biggert is a republican congresswoman for Illinois' 13th district. She won her last election by 64% of the vote. She serves on the following committees: education and the workforce; financial services; and science, space, and technology. Her current legislative focuses include arctic navigation and renewable energy.

    3. Mark Kirk is a republican senator who got 48% of thh vote when he was elected in 2011. She serves on the following committees appropriations; banking housing and urban affairs; health, education, labor, and pensions; and special committee on aging. His current legislative focus in job creation and human rights.

  2. Yeah guys, I tried this game again.... I can not win. Everybody keeps getting angry at me! I do not know how politicians are able to morph the regions so easily! They make it seem like it is no challenge at all!
