Country Blogs

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Broken Government? Your Job: Fix it

Mike Adams,the creator of the above cartoon, thinks things are bad at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):"Of all the cartoons we've ever done on the FDA, this is the one that people seem to like the best."

It addresses the issue of FDA conflicts of interest. The Food and Drug Administration, an agency that suffers under the hallucination that it protects the public from dangerous foods and drugs, has actually become the marketing department of Big Pharma. It actually takes money from drug companies in exchange for evaluating and approving their drugs, and the decisions concerning which drugs to approve almost always come down to a panel of "experts" who have strong financial ties to the very companies impacted by their decisions.''

Well, if it's "Broken Government" then it's your job to fix it.

Before you start with your poster/policy pitch assignment due Tuesday, consider this article from US (take note or the merit system and bureaucratic accountability).

Have one person from your stake your claim for an agency in the comment section starting 11/22. Also, list the 3 or 4 members of your group.

EPA Chief: Enviroment should be above partisanship. Do you agree? Also, would Richard Nixon (before Watergate) make it in the current GOP. Afterall, it was his administration that created the EPA in 1970.


  1. Hey Wolak, my group wants to claim the FCC. It is going to be me, Kyle D, and most likely Conor B (we can not get a hold of him, but we think he will be in our group).
    Time to fix our government!!!!

  2. By the way, Max K is joining our group.

  3. Chris x2, Jibran,

    .....and Adi
    We claim Homeland Security.

  4. Commision on Fine Arts, Tyler S. Iman K. Taylor B. Nick S.

  5. Shilpa, Priya, Amanda, and Ralf - DARPA

  6. Fine Arts: Iman, Nick, Tyler Spears, and Taylor

  7. Justine, Danielle, Jessica, and Angelica claim EPA

  8. Carolyn, Emilie, and Angela call OJJDP (Amber Alert)

  9. Tyler N. and Jackson do hereby claim the Department of the Interior.
