Country Blogs

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Anatomy of Super PAC

Yesterday was the primary for the special election to fill the 9th congressional seat vacated by Jesse Jackson, Jr. who has been found guilty for breaking campaign finance laws.
Does this case make you sad, mad or make you just not care.

After Jesse Jackson Jr. announced his resignation from the House, Independence USA, the “super PAC” created by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York, has tried to seize a “distinct window of opportunity” by making gun control an issue in the special election to pick Mr. Jackson’s successor. The group has run television ads in the Chicago market every day since Jan. 30 and spent over $2.1 million on the campaign so far. Here is a breakdown of how that money has been spent. 

1 comment:

  1. With estimates calling for a voter turnout below 20%, the Democratic primary victory was Robin Kelly with 55% of the vote to gain a majority in a crowded 14-candidate field, including Debbie Halvorsen. Halvorsen the one-time Congresswoman had an A-rating from the NRA, while Kelly received an 'F' from the once-believed powerful Special Interest Group.

    Obviously, Kelly was helped by Michael Bloomberg's Super PAC support, but could Kelly's win signal a bell-weather change in the national gun control debate?
