Country Blogs

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sequester Cheat Sheet

(From US Government Teachers Blog)

WonkBlog (Washington Post) does an excellent job explaining the loomingsequester. It has multiple graphs and short explanations for each. Basically this is the fiscal cliff revisited and would impact a lot of people. Government workers (the beaurcracy) without released funding from Congress' purse will be furloughed on a regular basis.

Questions to consider:

1) is it okay to have a large debt 2) are we becoming too beholden to the Chinese (think how quiet Obama has been on Chinese hacking) and the Japanese for their loans to us 3) which is better - across the board cuts or tax raises or both?

Here is the impact to each individual state remembering that the totals will occur only if the sequestration is allowed to run its course completely without a budget fix.

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I would add a personal side to the whole sequester thing. This has definitely been a major issue that I have been following since the military is looking to face major budget cuts. This also includes the service academies. I've seen cadets (West Point students) talking about it and things like water pressure have been cut, and paper is in demand in attempts to save money at every corner. These cuts are trickling down to every aspect of life in the military and many of the little things that made West Point special are either disappearing, or are being severely altered in preparation. It’s one thing to look at a graph that shows a very big bar of cuts, and it’s another to hear about how even people not directly in the military are barely getting enough food at meals because the cuts are so massive.
