Country Blogs

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Closed, Affordable Health Care Act Open for Business


  1. They are reporting over-use technical gliches on the first day "Obamacare" is on-line. Sounds pretty popular. IOS 7 had technical gliches on first day, too.

  2. However, the intention between iOS7 and the Obamacare website are completely different. IOS7 is not linked to the government. It is a corporate technology that people can buy for themselves. Obamacare is linked to the government and is part of a law. The mindset that is associated Obamacare is that it should be able to help people right now. Of course people are going to judge the site based on it's capabilities. The government should have put more effort into this website-- the law already faces enough critique as it is. No need to fuel the fire.

  3. Obamacare is great. Health is the most important thing, so everybody should have affordable health care.
