Country Blogs

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Only talk when it improves the silence"


  1. I do not understand how naïve some people can be about a piece of legislation that will affect the entire nation! Do you live under a rock. Yes, the Affordable Healthcare Act was an idea created by the Obama administration, but Congress approved it and the Supreme Court justified it's constitutionality, so I don't think it's fair to call it Obamacare. Obviously that is too confusing for some people

  2. I think this is ridiculous. Many people hate Obama Care without knowing what it is. They just assume that Obama Care is what they think it is. I know there are many misleading messages about Obama Care spreading around. People just received those wrong ideas and never find out the truth. Just like people hate the congress but it is getting reelected. We need to change our attitude if we are not very clear about the situation. Otherwise, we will look really stupid.

  3. I showed my parents this video, and I am sad to say that they too did not know that the Affordable Healthcare act and Obamacare are the same thing... My parents are not politically active, but definitely not as naïve as these people. I think that they have been more aware lately about current events because I ask there opinion, however this shows how awful our rates of political participation are... And with the media nowadays, everyone should be able to hear about the big issues of the day.
    This could also show that people are so used to hearing it called Obamacare. Even on CNN its rarely called the full name.

  4. I just watched this video again and I don't know whether this is hilarious or embarrassing. It's probably a little bit of both. I mean when did it become acceptable for the public to be so misinformed and ignorant? Our forms of news and journalism have declined so much that people do not even understand basic political topics of the day. I don't know what can be done, but something needs to change, and fast.
