Thursday, November 21, 2013

Same Sex Marriage Signed, Sealed, Delivered in Illinois

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation Wednesday allowing same-sex weddings starting this summer, making President Barack Obama's home state the 16th overall - and largest in the nation's heartland - to legalize gay marriage.
The festivities at the University of Illinois at Chicago featured a family-friendly crowd, musical performances and a stage lined with American, Illinois and rainbow flags.

"We understand in our state that part of our unfinished business is to help other states in the United States of America achieve marriage equality," Quinn said before he signed the bill on a desk once used by President Abraham Lincoln. He said part of that mission was to ensure that "love is not relegated to a second class status to any citizen in our country."

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Your Thoughts? Blog here. By the way, Chief Executives of States and the United States sign bills many times with many pens, as Quinn did Wednesday. Do you know why?


Katie B. said...

I think this is a huge step for our nation, especially Illinois. Finally, our state is recognized for an act of good instead of sending another one of our governors to prison. The concept of legalized gay marriage helps the US seem more credible when we proclaim to be the freest nation in the world. It also will help the economy of Chicago because of all the people who will come and spend lots of money in the city and suburbs to get married.

Also--chief executives use so many pens because each pen they sign with becomes a historical artifact and most likely a thank you gift to someone who helped with the bill. Obama used 22 pens to sign the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Brianne S. said...

Governor Pat Quinn said "Illinois is a place that embraces all people and today, we are an example for the nation". I completely agree with this statement. I think that the legalization of same sex marriage in Illinois is fantastic, not only for our state, but for our nation as a whole. We are able to set an example for the rest of our nation, and the world that not only are all people are created equal, but they should be treated equally under the law and should receive the same rights and benefits regardless of their sexual preference.

Unknown said...

I am glad that more and more people are beginning to realize that love is love. This is a big step in the gay and lesbian rights movement. Anyone who wants to marry someone should be allowed to. It is no one else's business if a person should decide to marry someone of their same sex. Finally, Illinois is getting something right.